this turtle was to be tied up for two months, and then the local family intended eating him. We couldn’t let that happen. Watch on...
earthrace black ops...
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A storm in Wellington, and the stunning marlborough...
The coolest boat in the world is now also the baddest boat on the planet. footage shot at the legendary Riko Riko cave at the Poor Knights marine reserve. And featuring a wicked track from Tiki...
The recent loss of 3 massive Bronze Whaler Sharks and a Stingray at Hatfield Beach in Auckland highlight just how destructive set nets are. Recreational fishermen had set the net the previous day, and on returning found the massive animals entangled and already dead....
Earthrace Conservation hopes to bring about lasting change that will benefit marine life and the oceans. While filming season 2 of the Operatives, Pete Behune and his team carried out surveillance both from the air and on the water of the Coral Triangle of the South...
There is a global problem of many species being pushed to the brink of extinction. These include rhinos, tigers, primates, turtles, pangolins, reptiles, and manta rays. Wildlife is under siege, and one of the main causes is China and its insatiable demand for rare and...
“The loggers are close”, Stéphane says to me in a whisper. “Five of them on the track ahead. And many more in the bush working…” We are crouched behind a fallen tree, and both of us are nervous. We’ve been stalking these illegal loggers for two days, but we’re in a...
Island nations and developing economies with large Exclusive Economic Zones offshore still struggle to manage their fishery resources. Traditionally they have ignored effective patrols. Recent increases in pirate and IUU fishing have seen increased attention given to...
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