Has Japan completed it’s Whale Quota?

Has Japan completed it’s Whale Quota?

I’ve got a few journalists I correspond with in Japan, and I had an interesting conversation with one of them last night.  He claimed their whaling fleet has already caught their 333 minke whales for this year, making it 2 seasons in a row Japan has taken their...
Huge Artwork to be Auctioned for Conservation

Huge Artwork to be Auctioned for Conservation

Huge Donated Artwork to be Auctioned for Conservation An extraordinary oil painting of the Milford Sound by New Zealand landscape artist Caley Hall, is being auctioned with the proceeds going towards Earthrace Conservation’s new vessel Earthrace-2 The massive painting...
Letter to Orca Show Owner

Letter to Orca Show Owner

Below is the open letter I’ve sent to Gloria Mendez (the owner) at Mundo Marino in Argentina, who have a captive orca (Kshamenk) and ten dolphin used in shows. Dear Gloria Mendez I visited Mundo Marino 2 weeks ago and as we discussed, I’m sending you an open...
Massive Rescue Effort Underway

Massive Rescue Effort Underway

RESCUE UPDATE:  A massive rescue effort was underway yesterday in New Zealand where 400 Pilot whales have beached themselves.  500 Volunteers turned up to find around 300 whales already dead.  Of those that survived, around 50 were re-floated on yesterday’s high...
A Tribute to Rob Stewart

A Tribute to Rob Stewart

The tragic death of Rob Stewart is a timely reminder that we are all on borrowed time on this earth. It is always a shame to see someone so young pass away, but doubly so when you consider the huge achievements of Rob, and the ambitious plans he held for the future....
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