Philippines Fishery on the verge of Collapse

Philippines Fishery on the verge of Collapse

After recently assisting in the Philippines on Fisheries Patrols, I have real concerns that their fishery hangs in the balance.  There are so many warning signs that a collapse is imminent, but little wonder when you understand the many factors impacting this crucial...
Earthrace helps capture Pirate Fishing Vessel

Earthrace helps capture Pirate Fishing Vessel

A pirate fishing vessel was recently apprehended while fishing within Municipal waters of Philippines for among other alleged violations, being in possession of “Danish Seine” trawling equipment.  Such active fishing gear was banned in 2014 in the Philippines due to...
Rob Stewart’s Family to Sue Dive Instructor

Rob Stewart’s Family to Sue Dive Instructor

Breaking News. The family of Rob Stewart this morning announced they are suing for the wrongful death of their son. In a statement, the parents say they hope it will lead to changes within the Dive Industry to prevent such tragic deaths from happening in the future....
Rhino Poached in Paris Zoo

Rhino Poached in Paris Zoo

A rhinoceros at a zoo near Paris was shot three times in the head on Monday night by poachers who then cut off its horn with a chainsaw.  The four-year-old rhinoceros, named Vince, was found dead this morning by keepers at Thoiry Zoo, to the west of the French...
The True Cost of Trump’s Wall

The True Cost of Trump’s Wall

The debate over President Trump’s wall with Mexico has unsurprisingly focused on the financial cost and who will pay for it, however from my perspective the real cost will be environmental.  A 2,000-mile wall that’s 50 feet tall with 15 feet underground and...
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