Shark Stanley

  Video blog from Pete Bethune about the Shark Stanley campaign that Earthrace is supporting, started by A great way for people to join in an action from home and pressure CITES into increasing protecting for our manta rays and sharks. At...

Operation Redneckery

  Covert Surveillance mission around Banks Peninsula. Vessels fish inside a marine mammal sanctuary that is supposed to protect the last of the endangered Hectors Dolphin. Read more about the endangered Hector’s and...

The Giga Swing

  The swing from hell. Slung between 2 big pines trees and winched up a third tree. One of the coolest swings you’ll ever see… and not for the faint...

ECO UK at Whalefest 2012

  The Earthrace UK team went to Whale Fest in Brighton (October 2012) and were joined by our fearless leader, Pete Bethune, all the way from New Zealand. As well as giving a well attended talk on ‘the Hard Edge of IUU Fishing’, Pete took a tour of the...
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