Training Government Units
We’ve trained a number of local teams in the various elements of fisheries enforcement and maritime security. Topics include coastal and offshore surveillance, NVG and FLIR operation, hostile vessel boarding, vessel search and secure, evidence gathering for prosecution, and prisoner handling. Training is a mix of class time and on-the-water patrols. We have also trained local teams in helicopter rappel operations, tactical driving, and weapons safety.
Training is normally run jointly, and where we have definite areas of expertise that can be passed on to local units. Our team includes operatives drawn from US Navy SEAL, US Marine Recon and French SAS (1-er). Not all teams we work with need training, but in joint missions, prior training also helps develop cohesiveness, and an understanding of respective SOPs. There are also areas where we benefit from local expertise, enabling us to improve our own effectiveness. Below are some units we’ve trained. Any government agency / NGO wanting to know more about training options should email Captain Bethune
Government units we train / work with:
MINAE – Marine Protection (Costa Rica)
SINAC – Land Protection (Costa Rica)
GOA – Specialist Wildlife Unit (Costa Rica)
PCSD – Wildlife Protection (Palawan)
Coastguard – Fisheries (Philippines)
Maritime Police – Fisheries (Philippines)
BFAR – Fisheries (Philippines)
Ministry of Primary Industries – (Guinea)
Guinean Navy – Fisheries (Guinea)
Bolivarian Navy – Fisheries (Venezuela)
Bureau of National Fisheries (Liberia)
Dept of Conservation – Terrestrial (New Zealand)
MPI – Fisheries (New Zealand)
NGOs we train / work with:
Pretoma (Costa Rica)
Jakarta Animal Aid Network (Indonesia)
The Coral Triangle Conservancy (Philippines)
Bonobo Conservation Initiative (Dem Rep of Congo)
Reef Check (Global)
Trini Eco Warriors (Trinidad & Tobago)
Leuser Conservation Forum (Indonesia)
Walhi (Indonesia)
Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project (Global)
Seal of Nam (South Africa)
Kapiti Island Nature Tours (New Zealand)
International Fund for Animal Welfare (USA)