The pink dolphin has been largely overlooked by conservation groups, despite so many issues pushing them towards extinction. Groundbreaking movie “The Cove” shone the spotlight on Taiji and the dolphin captivity industry. Endangered dolphins like the...
I was most surprised to hear that Mexico City has just banned Dolphinariums. Or more specifically, they have banned dolphins being used for public spectacle, entertainment, therapy sessions, scientific investigation, training and education. Head of the Environmental...
The operator of Japan’s paralyzed nuclear plant in Fukushima has applied to release water containing radioactive tritium into the Pacific Ocean. Fragile marine ecosystems are at stake here. Since the Fukushima disaster, contamination in the local marine food...
An elephant that is usually giving tourists rides has today impaled his handler on the stick he used to control the animal. Enock Kufandada, 50, was charged, trampled and torn apart by a bull elephant called Mbanje in Zimbabwe before colleagues could come to his aid....
In another sign of Japan’s intention to expand their whaling program, their Parliament today passed a bill which enshrines national funding for the heavily subsidized industry into the future. A spokesman claimed “This bill lays down the necessary matters...
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