“Our industry is doomed”, Rewi says to me angrily. “And it happened the day those bastards in Wellington introduced the quota management system.” Rewi pours some milk into a steaming cup of tea and hands it over to me. “Ever since then, our industry has been on a...
“Dad. I’d like to go and volunteer at an Orphanage in the Philippines.” Danielle’s request comes somewhat out of the blue. She is in her last year of High School, but until now, discussions had been about University and further study. Not volunteering in some...
Posted 9:01am 21st September 2012 ”BEING CALLED A ‘TURNCOAT’ BY CAPTAIN WATSON OF SEA SHEPHERD IS DISINGENUOUS TO PUT IT MILDLY”, SAYS EARTHRACE FOUNDER, PETE BETHUNE Recent press releases and statements issued by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society have sought to...
I took a call last week from a Journalist in Costa Rica, and he had an interesting take on Costa Rica’s impending (or attempted) extradition of Paul Watson. He was adamant that all the nonsense about Costa Ricans being bandied about by others is hurting Watson’s...
“This note is from Rúni Nielsen, who is Faroese, opposed to the Grind, and keen to see an end to their whaling. But he has a different view to how this will be best achieved. And i tend to agree with him. (pete) I am Rúni Nielsen – one of ECO’s...
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