LEAKED INFORMATION FROM WITHIN JAPANESE WHALING ORGANISATION CONFIRMS BANKRUPTCY IMMINENT Japanese whaling has come under the spotlight in recent times more than ever before, and it seems the effect on may be to see it cease to function. There has been mounting...
Posted 5:36am 27th August 2011 by Pete Bethune A faint smile crosses my face as the name comes up on my vibrating cell phone. It’s been a while since I’ve spoken to Tsubasa, my friend in Japan, and I’ve missed his updates. “Konichiwa Tsubasa”, I say cheerily down the...
18th July 2011 Earthrace Conservation has announced the launch of a new chapter based on the Faroe Islands. It’s first time any International marine conservation group has ever had a presence there on a permanent basis. The formation of the new chapter is thanks both...
13 July 2011 HEALTH RISKS TO HUMANS WILL END WHALING SAYS EARTHRACE CONSERVATION As the International Whaling Commission continues with its 63rd Annual meeting in the Channel Islands, Earthrace Conservation believes that ultimately, it will be the health risks of...
Posted 12:26am 2nd July 2011 Each year, entire pods of long finned pilot whales – a species of dolphin – are driven into bays around the coast of the Faroe Islands in a highly organised hunt involving entire communities. Up to 1,000 dolphins are slaughtered each year...
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