Volunteer with us!
We are always looking for volunteers to come and help with our campaigns. You’ll live on our ship the M/Y Modoc, and assist us in our various conservation missions. Our basic job is we provide a ship, small boats, UAV surveillance, K9 Unit and general support to the Rangers in National Parks (MORE). Some volunteers are highly skilled (eg. UAV Pilots, K9 Handlers, Captain), while some crew might just arrive with little in the way of skills, but a great attitude. We are running a ship, website, non-profit, filming, fundraising, and having fun, and the people we take have various backgrounds. Below is a list of specific experience we may look for, but it is in no way the totality. If you think you might be able to help, then you are welcome to send us an email. Or if you are ready to pay for your position, you can do so by either scanning the QR code below or click HERE to pay via debit/credit card.

Skills we especially look for in Volunteers
• Get stuff done – not highly skilled but keen and can learn
• Maritime – Captain, 1st Officer, Bosun etc.
• Engineers – We are always installing or fixing equipment
• Fundraising – Running this program always needs money
• Administration – Coordinating people, projects, resource
• Videographers – Both TV and for social media
• Photographers – Social media needs decent images
• Communications – Social media, press releases, comms
• Chef – yes we all love to eat nice food
• Practical Skills – Carpentry, Welding, Sewing

Qualities in Good Volunteers
• Enjoy company – It’s a small team living together on a ship
• Positive Outlook – We want people that lift others up
• Tolerant of others – We are from many backgrounds
• Tolerant of conditions – It can be hot, humid, dusty
• Generous Spirit – Helping others is part of our culture
• Competent – People who get things done
• Skilled – People with skills we need
• Hard Working and like learning
• Conservation minded – People that love wildlife
Volunteer Payments
The crew are all Volunteers and pay initially to be on the ship. Payment is due on booking your place. You cover the costs of getting to and from the ship, but once aboard, we cover your food and accommodation, and in most cases, volunteers are not out of pocket thereafter, except for maybe beer or wine. The long-term crew is generally free after 6 months, or they may pay a reduced amount after completing their initial period on the ship. Most crew sign up for 4, 8, or 12-week periods. Crew ratio is typically 1/3 female and 2/3 male, but it does vary.

Work Schedule
Crew work 6-days a week, with usually Sunday off. On the day off, crew are free to head away surfing, diving, hiking, or whatever they like. They can also travel away for extended periods if they wish, as long as we have plenty of notice to plan things. Crew typically work out at 6am in the morning. It’s not compulsory, and some crew do their own training, others train as a small team, and a few just sleep in. On most days we have breakfast at 7am, lunch at 12:30pm, and dinner around 7:30pm. Crew typically work from 8am til around 6pm. It varies though, especially on voyages where the ship becomes a 24-hour operation.

Let’s make the world a better place
The most important thing in volunteers however is wanting to make the world a better place – People who genuinely want to contribute to conservation. We are dedicating our operations to helping solve the many challenges National Parks face. And some days are really tough. But it is an enormously rewarding opportunity for the right kind of people. If you think you’d like to volunteer, then you can send us an email () or whats app message to +642102188188. Below are a selection of videos to give you an idea of what life is like on our super-awesome team.
Volunteer History
Earthrace first started accepting Volunteers in 2004, when we began initial work on the Earthrace boat, and since then we have relied heavily upon them. Hundreds of people have selflessly given up their time to help us make the world a better place. These days most volunteer positions are filled from members of our tribe. Below are some of the volunteers involved in the various campaigns we’ve undertaken. If your name is not on the list and it should be, please email us.
Volunteers: Recent Campaigns including Amazon
Zach Affolter (CA,USA), Kazé Alikira (France), Beverley Bailey (UK), Christina Bakhoum (CA,USA), Alison Banks (CA,USA), Brian Barnes (FL,USA), Amanda Barratt (South Africa), Rob Barrett (UK), Captain Pete Bethune (NZ), Alexander Borg (Sweden), Gina Di Teodoro Bryant (CA,USA), Scotty Bowman (NZ), Liz Bronstein (CA,USA), Ian Bryant (CA,USA), Lucy Byrne (UK), Joyce Cheung (UK), Turid Christophersen (Faroe Islands), Joe Cobb (USA), Erik E Crown (CA,USA), Elise DuFour (CA,USA), Matt Edwards (USA), Rex Ellacott (Australia), Daryl Farmer (UK), Aline Floripa (Brazil), Antony Geddes (Dubai), Alba Geddes (Dubai), Ady Gil (CA,USA), Andrew Goddard (NZ), Sabine Grainger (UK), Lisa Griffin (USA), Glenn Greiner (CA,USA), Dan Green (UK), Matt Griffin (MD,USA), Caley Hall (NZ), Steve Hathaway (NZ), Jassim Jaffer (Oman), Larisa Kellett (NZ), Vicki Kiely (Thailand), Fernando Labaronnie (Argentina), Mons Longley (NZ), Terry Longley (NZ), Shanny Longley (NZ), Johanna Arce Marín (Colombia), Ryan MC (FL,USA), Rob McCafferty (UK), Haley Mccrosky (NZ), Tony Mcintyre (NZ), Cassandra Aragón Magaña (CA,USA), Tex Manifould (Singapore), Paul Moss (NZ), Russell Moolman (GA,USA), Donald Newe (France), Rúni Nielsen (Faroe Islands), Campbell Parlour (NZ), David Pond (CA,USA), Trey Porter (USA), Maea Ross (NZ), Larry Routledge (South Africa), Stéphane Ruggiero (France), Annette Rutledge (NZ), Alicia Searvogel (CA,USA), Yolandi Skarsgard (NZ), Stewart Seini (South Africa), Sandi Sullivan (MA,USA), Kristina Trujillo (USA), Agostina Villa (Argentina), Krieny Vonk (Netherlands), Jack Waldron (NZ), Vanessa York (NZ).
Volunteers: “The Operatives” TV Show
Andrew Allen (UK), Christina Bakhoum (CA,USA), Alison Banks (CA,USA), Rob Barrett (UK), SV Bearcat (USA), Oloff Bergh (South Africa), Captain Pete Bethune (NZ), Gina Di Teodoro Bryant (CA,USA), Scotty Bowman (NZ), Liz Bronstein (CA,USA), Brad Brown (NZ), Ian Bryant (CA,USA), Michael Carey (HI,USA), Chatrick Clarke (USA), Martin Cleave (NZ), Gareth Dick (NZ), David Enrique Duprat (FL,USA), Tim Firkin (NZ), Steve Fisher (USA), James Gardner (NZ), Andrew Goddard (NZ), Matt Griffin (MD,USA), Nicola Gunary (UK), Dr. Raj Gupta (CA,USA), Dale Hancock (South Africa), Luke Hudson-Bennett (South Africa), Toby List (CA,USA), Jassim Jaffer (Oman), Riaan Laubsher (South Africa), Robert Marc Lehmann (Germany), Larisa Kellett (NZ), Bryce Mahoney (USA), Rob McCafferty (UK), Pierre Minnie (South Africa), Richard McKee (USA), Brian Mead (NZ), Charissa Moen (USA), Kerry O’Brien (UK), Sam Osborne (UK), Campbell Parlour (NZ), Tim Pirruccello (USA), Marilinda Rivera (CA,USA), Larry Routledge (South Africa), Stéphane Ruggiero (France), Stewart Seini (South Africa), Leon Senf (NZ), Cody Shuttleworth (NZ), Alex Sletten (Norway), Alicia Snyder (CA,USA), Megan Stewart (Australia), Martyn Stewart (Costa Rica), Anton van de Merwe (South Africa), Rian van der Walt (Australia), Jack Waldron (NZ), Nonuk Walter (Germany), Victoria Watts (UK), Chris Wade (USA), Ann Wloch (Poland), Phillip Wynkoop (USA).
Volunteers: Antarctica Campaign (2010)
Donna Adams (NZ), Lisa Baines (NZ), Scott Behrnes (NZ), Don Bethune (NZ), Tim Bevan (NZ), Chellez Bradley (Australia), Senator Bob Brown (Australia), James Burrowes (NZ), Chris Carter (NZ), Jenny Camp (Australia), Anna Cochrane (NZ), Jerry Crumley (Australia), Tony Denly (NZ), Gabe Giddens (NZ), Ady Gil (USA), Sarah Grant (NZ), Laurens De Groot (Netherlands), Jeff Hansen (Australia), Paul Hickman (NZ), Gareth Hughes (NZ), Jakey Kuschlein (NZ), Michael Lawry (NZ), Hannah Ley (NZ), Simeon Houtman (NZ), Denise Jamieson (NZ), Megan Jolley (Australia), Ronald and Gundi Janke (NZ), Bill and Mandy Leckie (NZ), Russel Norman (NZ), Michael May (NZ), Kerry Payne (NZ), Amber Pearson (USA), Malcolm Pollard (NZ), Annie Robinson (NZ), Larry Routlege (South Africa), Rhombus (NZ), Stan Scott (NZ), Mike Smith (NZ), Jason Stewart (NZ), Isabel Sykes (Australia), Tiki Taane (NZ), Gemma Thornton (Australia), Tim Watters (NZ), Bill Watson (NZ), Persia White (USA).
Volunteers: Earthrace World Record (2004-2009)
Steve Adams (NZ), Sven Aerts (Belgium), Ken Alchin (NZ), Riaan Alers (South Africa), John Allen (NZ), Tim Arnold (UK), Carlos Baez (Puerto Rico), Justin Beeton (Australia), Mathew Besler (IL-USA), Rid Bestwick (BC-Canada), Bazza Bethune (NZ), Sharyn Bethune (NZ) Danielle Bethune (NZ) Alycia Bethune (NZ), Graham Bethune (NZ), Hiram Bingham III (NZ), Mark Blackham (NZ), Bruce Blackwell (USA), Michelle Bond-Ewart (NZ), Dan Bradshaw (UK), Ali Bradshaw (UK), Alain Brideson (NZ), Deni Brideson (NZ), Gregg Brideson (NZ), Toby Brocklehurst (Panama), Tom Brooks (NZ), Peter Brown (CA-USA), Harvey Brunt (NZ), Jill Buckenham (UK), Jim Burkett (FL-USA), Matthew Butler (TX-USA), John Carroll (OR-USA), Adam Carlson (Sweden), James Cato (NZ), Commandante Castro (Guatemala), Leo Chan (MD-USA), Sheila Chandor (CA-USA), Ryan Christiansen (Puerto Rico), Andy Christman (CA-USA), Martin Conway (UK), Chris Coppin (NZ), Tim Costar (NZ), Ron Crafts — (UTAH-USA), Nigel Cusans (Panama), Paul Debenham (NZ), Jill DeFelice (USA), Anthony Destifano (OR_USA), Jules Dorian (NZ), Rob Drewett (UK), Suzie Drewett (UK), Marc Dupavillon (USA), Adam Erangey (Ireland), Adrian Erange (Ireland), Paul Ewart (NZ), Peter Faretra (UK), Paul Farrington (Bermuda), Andrew Ferguson (NZ), Kate Folchert (WA-USA), Mike Fox (Palau), Scott Fratcher (NZ), Jefferey Fredenburgh (Barbados), Liza Fredenburgh (Barbados), Elsa De Freitas (Portugal), Tino De Freitas (lord knows), Terry Froggly (NZ), Vikki Galloway (Mexico), Andy Guerin (Ireland), Jeff Gibbs (FL-USA), Guerric Gf (France), Carlos Gonzalez (Puerto Rico), Joe Grabill (IN-USA), Keren Harris (NZ), Richard Hemphill (Puerto Rico), Charles-Antoine Hennegrave (UK / France), Edward Alexander Hendry (UK), Claire Hardin (Panama), KC Hardin (Panama), Glen Harvey (NZ), Keith Herbert (BC-Canada), Len Herchen (Canada), Ove Herlogsen (Sweden), Willie Hetaraka (NZ), Ryan Heron (NZ), Jenna Higgins (MO-USA), Harry and Penelope Hill (CA-USA), Jason Hoar (CA-USA), Chad Hock (SC-USA), Anna Hofgärtner (Netherlands), Matthew Houptman (NZ), Kerry Hourigan (NY-USA), Penelope Hill (CA-USA), Dima Ivanov (NZ), Bobbo Jetmundsen (GA-USA), Joe Jobe (MO-USA), Rob Jones (BC-Canada), Oliver Jones (UK), Tony Jordan (BC-Canada), Rickard Kähler (Sweden), Sean Kelly (NZ), Ryan Kiefer (USA), John King (NZ), Kelly and Bob King (HA-USA), Anton Kokshoorn (Australia), Jennifer Koseklin (Bud chick) (Palau), Harold Kraus (MO-USA), Barbara Kriz (NZ), Tina Kula (HI-USA), Mark Kupsko (IL-USA), Jennifer Kuntz (FL-USA), Adrian Lake (Australia), Hannah Ley (NZ), Javier Lopez (Puerto Rico), Scott Lengell (MA-USA), Daniel Lund (Fiji), Iris Maertens (Belgium), Peter Maire (NZ), Marcel Manders (NZ), Tiffany Matsis (NZ), Jose J Marti (Puerto Rico), Tracy Martin (NZ), Mike Matthews (UK), Molly McCrackin (CA-USA), John (Cadillac) McDaniel (FL-USA), Bob McDavitt (NZ), Jeff McDermott (SC-USA), Geoff McGlashan (NZ), Sheryl McGlashan (NZ), Brian Mead (NZ), Graeme Mead (NZ), Marty Mead (WA-USA), Ravvi Mikkelsen (WA-USA), Jeff McDermott (SC-USA), Patrick Madden (Marshall Islands), Paul McAlister (NY-USA), Tom McNicholl (NZ), Tex Manifould (Singapore), Johnny Parra Mascaros (Spain), Stone Meharry (NZ), Pete Milborn (HI-USA) Mal Molgard (MA-USA), Meghan Murphy (CA-USA), Elio Muller (FL-USA), Tim Murray (NSW-Australia), Dave and Sharon Nelson (SC-USA), Norman (Barbados), Joe Nowak (NZ), Donita O’Dell (AL-USA), Fei Fei Ong (Singapore), Elizabeth Paradiso (HI-USA), Dirk Parker (UK), Hedley Pearce (NZ), Marta Perez (NY-USA), David Perez (NY-USA), Edgar Perez (CA-USA), Chris Peterson (CA-USA), Wade Peyer (AL-USA), Pit, Flash and Jason (Philadelphia-USA), John Plaza (WA-USA), Florian Prem (Germany), Emily Penn (UK), Hemi Rau (NZ), Naren Raju (Singapore), Martin Rees (NZ), Megan Reeves (NZ), Wayne Renner (NZ), Amber Reed (UK), Carl Revine (FL-USA), Ngapera Riley (NY-USA), George Ritchie (NZ), Jesse Rhodes (SC-USA), Roberto Rush (Panama), Krisztina Robson (UK), George Robson (UK), John Rodriguez (Spain ), Steve Rodriguez (Spain), Karolina Romanek (Hungary), Jake Roy (SC-USA), Mark Russell (UK), Grant Saar (BC-Canada), Ian Sanchez (SC-USA), Torsten Sandmark (NZ), Michael Sarin (AZ-USA), Mat Sarin (CA-USA), Rae Sarin (CA-USA), Sam Scott (Palau), Kiera Schwarz (CA-USA), Neville Scott (Cayman Islands), Sarala Sharma (UK), Guy Sheetz (SC-USA), John Sheetz (CA-USA), Mike Schimann (ON-Canada), Emanual Siedner (Guatemala), Bruce Sharpe (Bermuda), Ana Silva (Portugal), Matt Stein (OR-USA), Mich Stein (OR-USA), Pete Stevens (Panama), Martin Stroud (NZ), Matt Stott (NZ), Sean Sullivan (TX-USA), Peter Syred (NZ), Inia Taylor (NZ), Vivien Teo (Singapore), Allison Thompson (NZ), Charlene Tighe (FL-USA), Glen Tindall (TAS-Australia), Paul Topley (UK), Lisa Topley (UK), Nessa Tovell (UK), Kylie Travers (NZ), Peter Trezise (NZ), Carl Magnus Ullman (Sweden), Tom Verry (MO-USA), Brian Van Buskirk (OR-USA), Heidi van Buskirk (OR-USA), Robert van Gool (CA-USA), Randall von Wedel (CA-USA), Colin Walker (UK), Jean Weaver (USA), Peggy West Stap (the Pegster) (CA,USA), Tom Widdle (OR,USA), Steve Wilkinson (NZ), John Williams (WA,USA), Ayla Witehira (NZ), Barry Woolsey (NZ), Lance Wordsworth (NZ), Nicky Wright (NZ), Emad Yacoub (VIC-Australia), Devann Yata (CA,USA), Roy Yen (BC,Canada), Rob Yoeman (NZ), Elise Zevitz (USA).