Our Government and NGO Partners
We mostly work jointly with government agencies, and in some cases NGOs. We can provide personnel, maritime or airborne assets, tactical hardware and other resource. A list of Government Agencies and NGOs we have trained or worked alongside is at the bottom of this page. Much of the training is fisheries enforcement – Topics include coastal and offshore surveillance, hostile vessel boarding, vessel search and secure, evidence gathering for prosecution, and prisoner handling. Click here for more information on training. Below are a couple of videos highlighting our joint patrols with government agencies. The first was filmed by Channel 7 and aired recently in Costa Rica. It covers our recent joint mission with MINAE / SINAC / GOA protecting Corcovado National Park. We provided the ship, RIB and Zodiac for transporting crew and prisoners. We trained the Rangers in FLIR, NVG and Night Operations, and we assisted in patrols. The TV item was focussed largely on GOA, which is the elite Ranger team recently announced by Minister Rodriguez. The second video below was a joint operation in the Philippines where we partnered with BFAR (Fisheries), Bantay Dagat (Local Police) and a Navy SEAL unit, and patrolled municipal waters east of Manilla. If you represent a government agency or NGO and you’d like to look at options of working with us, please email pete.bethune@gmail.com in the first instance.
Government units we train / work with:
CONANP – National Park Authority (Mexico)
MINAE – Marine Protection (Costa Rica)
SINAC – Land Protection (Costa Rica)
PCSD – Wildlife Protection (Palawan)
Coastguard – Fisheries (Philippines)
Maritime Police – Fisheries (Philippines)
BFAR – Fisheries (Philippines)
Ministry of Primary Industries – (Guinea)
Guinean Navy – Fisheries (Guinea)
Bolivarian Navy – Fisheries (Venezuela)
Bureau of National Fisheries (Liberia)
Dept of Conservation – Terrestrial (New Zealand)
MPI – Fisheries (New Zealand)
NGOs we train / work with:
Pretoma (Costa Rica)
Jakarta Animal Aid Network (Indonesia)
The Coral Triangle Conservancy (Philippines)
Bonobo Conservation Initiative (Dem Rep of Congo)
Reef Check (Global)
Trini Eco Warriors (Trinidad & Tobago)
Leuser Conservation Forum (Indonesia)
Walhi (Indonesia)
Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project (Global)
Seal of Nam (South Africa)
Kapiti Island Nature Tours (New Zealand)
International Fund for Animal Welfare (USA)
The Outlaw Ocean (Washington DC)