There are literally thousands of videos covering the many facets of Earthrace – From our record setting voyage of 2008, our television show, and all our missions and accomplishments in between. Below are a selection of videos covering some of these. There are also hundreds of others that can be accessed via the Youtube Playlists, the links for which are also below.
Costa Rica Campaign(Full YouTube Playlist)
Earthrace World Record (Full YouTube Playlist)
“The Operatives” Season I (Full YouTube Playlist)
“The Operatives” Season II (Full YouTube Playlist)
EARTHRACE-2 (Full YouTube Playlist)
Volunteering (Full YouTube Playlist)
Fishery Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Illegal Mining Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Wildlife Smuggling Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Illegal Logging Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Anti-Poaching Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Animal Rescue Missions (Full YouTube Playlist)
Video Podcasts –(YouTube Playlist) Audio Podcasts (Soundcloud Playlist)
Conservation Top 10 (Full YouTube Playlist)
This is a new format we introduced recently. We present the “Top 10” of a given Conservation or Animal issue. In the video above, we present the “Top 10 Animals” most affected by Traditional Medicines.